Ever wanted a compass for life? Herein is a step by step guide to a happy and fulfilled life presented in 50 golden rules from the life compass of a medical doctor born poor currently doing residency in a teaching hospital in Europe.
The rules in this book are plain, amazing, simple and down to earth. You will: learn to live life like a winner and not like a loser • Be better able to cope in times of adversities or challenges • Learn to have a firm grip and understanding of life • Be presented with a step by step guide on core issues about life to help you experience and live to the fullest of your potentials • Be encouraged to see an extra reason to give and receive, be willing to be more generous and compassionate • Be able to utilize it as a reference to tap into any challenging situation reflecting core aspects of life prompting you to tackle problems more maturely and by avoiding shortcuts • Learn to love and understand what happiness and satisfaction means for you • Learn how to look beyond your shortcomings and rise above failures • Appreciate increasing your money thermostat, bury poverty and start to better think money and wealth • Receive clues to figure out your purpose of life • Take nothing for granted as you harness your potentials and blessings of life • Understand the importance of humor and laughter • Understand karma and spirituality • Appreciate the importance of good health, good sex, good mind, good friends and family • Learn to see criticisms or failures not as a backlash but as a chance to step up and get better or fight on • Understand and appreciate that the best leaders are the ones that are empowered through service and willingness to make the clan and others get better • Value the importance of thwarting the ignorance and pettiness in practicing racism, aggression, terrorism, discrimination and instead learn to replace them with peace, justice, law, order and most importantly love.
Research shows happiness tends to lower the risk of cardiovascular problems; this means less risk of heart attacks and less strokes. Happy people are less likely to have injuries and accidents, more likely to have healthy relationships, less likely to commit suicide and tend to live longer among others due to the aforementioned reasons.
Read these rules with an open mind in good times and in challenging moments!
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