Monthly Archives: July 2017
Things That Make Me Happy #118
Things That Make Me Happy #117
The Blue Unicorn’s Journey to Osm
The Blue Unicorn’s Journey to Osm
Sybrina Durant
Everybody loves unicorns! OK Maybe not but those that do will really enjoy this fast-paced coming of age story that contains over 40 fantastic illustrations.
Blue was the last metal-horned unicorn born. Problem is–he doesn’t have a metal horn. And the prophesy slated him to save his tribe. Everyone knows no metal means no magic! He is going to have to use his wits and good old common sense to achieve this lofty goal. Blue has no intention of letting his tribe down.
This is a great story for teens and older readers.
To buy this book, click here.
Things That Make Me Happy #116
Free Multimedia Book of Dark and Romantic Poetry and Short Stories
Shadowy and mysterious works of poetry, mixed with stories and scenes from the author’s upcoming book, and all combine in this extensive range of works by Ronald Randazzo, which will draw you into his world of dark romance and ethereal beauty.
Poems like “The Golden Branch” speak of a twisted logic, analogies of nature and a deal not worth doing, while “A Birthday Letter” is deep and conceives suggestions of a love that has been lost and will never be returned.
A Moment in Your Arms is 220 pages of personal thoughts which keep you on your toes and make you question everything. It is a collection of beauty and madness, of hope and despair and of love and sometimes hate. Immerse yourself in its pages, select a single poem when you are in need of something different, or sample a few pages when you find that you have time to reflect on their words. It is a book which can be read in sections or picked up and dropped as the mood takes you.
Also includes a BONUS selection of chapters from the in-progress and unpublished novel Sadly Jane & Empty.
For more, visit