This cool card is (obviously) from the United States, and makes me laugh–small but wonderful indeed!
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Just Breathe
Just breathe in deeply.
Take in the scent of knowledge
concealed in leather.
Thoughts From A New Yorker #111
Sometimes after personal training, I feel like the Hulk.
Things That Make Me Happy #53
When Bubbles tries to share his drink with me and only mostly succeeds.
Dog Code
Dear Body,
Come on–cooperate with me. I’m doing the best I can to burn more than I consume, but man does it feel like it’s going nowhere.
The frustrated librarian
Downed Internet
Why is it broken?
How can I live without it?
The Internet’s down?
Thoughts From A New Yorker #110
Hell is a place that you can only get to by taking a local N train.