Finding Your Path

booksanfranFinding Your Path – A Guide to Life and
Happiness After School
Amba Brown
Amba Brown’s newly published book “Finding Your Path – A guide to life and happiness after school” is a handbook for those transiting from school to adulthood.

“One of the greatest advantages of this day and age is the range of opportunities at your fingertips. But this also means an overload of information and choice! Not to mention the different pressures from either school or parents. The daunting question: “What will you do next?” can be extremely stressful when you’re wracked with indecision and lacking direction.” (Book excerpt – Amba Brown)

The chapters of the book explore various pathways including work, study and travel by outlining their benefits so you can actively contemplate your options and make informed decisions. The focus is on trusting oneself in order to create a path of integrity and happiness.

Amba has written this book to reach out to school-leavers, empathise with the stressors they are facing and support them positively in making decisions for the near future. She has completed her honours in psychology, majoring in positive psychology and currently resides in Singapore where she works as a manager of the consular department at the Australian High Commission. Amba strongly believes the book can make a difference to the lives of the youth.

Dr Timothy Sharp – (Dr Happy) Founder & Chief Happiness Officer of The Happiness Institute says, “Finding Your Path Strikes the perfect balance between informative and practical!”
Published using sustainable paper in San Francisco, ‘Finding Your Path’ offers support and inspiration for those making the transition from school to adulthood. The perfect gift for 2016 school-leavers.
Hard Copy is also available online at and retail stockists listed on the site.

To buy the book, click here.

To place orders for the book, arrange a book signing or interview,
please contact:
Amba Brown