Monthly Archives: January 2016
The Storymaker’s Association #27: College Reunion
This week’s story comes from me. Again. This is the first short story I ever wrote (I wrote it in college for a writing class) and it’s still one of my favorites–have a listen!
To listen or download this story, go to:
Flowering Ship
Dear MTA,
Why are you picking on me this month? Please stop.
The late librarian
Pencils Only!
Using pens near books
always makes me so nervous.
Pencils only please!
Thoughts From A New Yorker #98
I always feel like I’m adopting a child when I buy a book from a used book store. This feeling increases the more disorganized it is.
Things That Make Me Happy #40
The Storymaker’s Association #26: Adventures in the West Northern Hills
This week’s story comes from Nick. He explores a Pathfinder campaign he’s been working on through a story that is bound to become a series–have a listen!
To listen or download this story, go to:
Russian Art
Dear New Friends,
How very wonderful it is to be welcomed into your home and into your lives. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to get to know all of you! Thank you for sharing him with me.
The librarian with empanadas