Dear Exterminator,
Do they teach you to be rude in school? Is it a requirement for the job? Why would anyone fake having bed bugs? That makes no sense to me. I feel like I’m at the DMV.
The chick being interrogated
Dear Exterminator,
Do they teach you to be rude in school? Is it a requirement for the job? Why would anyone fake having bed bugs? That makes no sense to me. I feel like I’m at the DMV.
The chick being interrogated
Knowing what I know about sugar, addiction, and cancer, buying a soda feels a little like suicide.
Dear Strangers,
Please be a little more caring towards one another and be just a tad nicer. You owe people that.
A person you pass on the street
No matter how big,
heavy, or wide my bag is:
There are always books.
There’s always something wrong with people who dislike animals.
This week’s story comes from Nick, who is my best friend and also comments on a lot of my blog posts. He also has a pretty cool beard. Take a listen!
To listen or download this story, go to: