These are just my findings–feel free to share your own!
1. You get your own space again–no sharing the bed, covers, or dessert!
2. You can go see whatever movie you want when you want to see it.
3. No worries about other women or men! In fact, take him! He’s yours! No give backs!
4. You can flirt back without feeling guilty.
5. You can burn all the things that remind you of him–make it a party!
6. You don’t have to make time for stupidhead anymore. Gym tonight? Sweet.
7. You don’t have to put pants on ever again. Or a bra. Or anything at all.
8. You can have whatever you want for dinner, and have it delivered. Also, you can eat it on the floor while playing your ps2.
9. Everyone gives you a high five. The side effect of this is that you then realize how loved you are.
10. There’s nothing that’s going to make you unhappy once you’re in the groove.
11. Your apartment is probably about to get a lot cleaner. And let’s face it, you won’t come home to an empty water pitcher anymore.
12. You get a redo on the next one.
13. You get to sleep with someone who actually knows what you like. Right ladies?
14. If you have a sad day, it’s probably still not as sad as your best day with fartbreath.
Finally 15. You finally get to indulge your own passions and hobbies. Your time is yours again! LET THE BLOGS BEGIN!