Dear Bike,

Sorry that we haven’t been together in a few years.  Ever since I got grounded for crashing into that parked car back in 2nd grade, I promised myself I wouldn’t sit on you.  But then I started missing you in high school, but I felt stupid riding on you–like I was some kind of elephant on a tight rope.  Tonight was fun though.  Even though I stopped before each turn and almost died twice, I enjoyed our time together.

Fourteen years without you was too damn long.  I’m glad we’re back together.


The chick who crashed you into the back of a parked car

PS–Sorry for the doofy helmet.  I couldn’t find a better one.

The Stranded

The Stranded

Mike Carey

From what I understand, this graphic novel serves as a pilot for a series the Sci-Fi channel is picking up as a show.  Everything will be written by Mike Carey, the same man who wrote this volume.  I haven’t been able to find any evidence of a second in the series (besides some weird link to an e-book), but there is a lot of buzz around the net that the show is in the works and should be joining us soon.

I picked this series up because it’s written by the same guy who writes The Unwritten, which I adore.  This comic is fast-paced and action-packed from start to finish.  In a nutshell, it’s about this woman who is in charge of watching over individuals who are leading what they think are normal human lives.  In reality, they’re alien refuges with their memories of home suppressed.  Also, they have super powers.  In this volume, the refuges are being killed off one by one by enemy forces.

I liked the main idea of the story, but I hated the art.  First of all, it was really hard to grab hold on any kind of understanding of what’s going on in the beginning.  I wasn’t sure who I should be rooting for–or even who the main character was.  A lot of times, critical panels seemed to have been skipped, which made the actions of the main character choppy and confusing.

Also, the main baddie looks just like Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.  No joke–he totally looks like him.  All he needs in a dramatically long sword and flames in the background.  Look:

Part of me hopes this series gets picked up for a show.  The comic feels like it’s a cross between X-Men, Battlestar Galactica and Dollhouse.  The only reason I wouldn’t recommend this one out is because there aren’t any more.  It ends like there should be other volumes, but there aren’t.  While this doesn’t mean you should stay away from this good start to the series, be aware any chance of more will only lead to disappointment.

The Art Project Begins

Hello all!

Next week on Sunday I will begin posting the pictures all my lovely friends and family have made for me (and one I made myself before getting any others).  Before I begin though, I thought I should explain some things to those who don’t know why I decided to do this.  One year ago today, I joined Weight Watchers.  In that year, I lost close to 61 pounds, I’ve dropped from a pants size of 22 to 14.  I can run up flights of stairs without grabbing for my cellphone in case I need to call for help.  I can control the amount of food I eat without depriving myself of things I adore.  I still can’t lift a fifty pound weight without wanting to weep openly, but I can kiss my knee, kneel and have my behind touch my feet and finally (thank the sweet stars) get into child’s pose without suggestively waving my tush in the air.  A few days ago, I discovered that I now fit in clothes in the “regular people” section–you should have seen me gleefully skipping through the racks like a insane person finally let out.  Until now, I never considered myself in league with the rest of the world.  I was different and belonged to that small department placed in the corner of the world.

But now what?  Everything is changing.  I’m just about half-way to my goal weight, I fit in clothes sold in stores I never dreamed of walking into, and people are paying attention to me.  The other night a guy at a bar asked me to have a drink with him.  It blew my mind that another human being would single me out of a room of dozens for a drink.

Of course, the people who have given me pictures always paid attention to me, even when I was sheepishly standing by the counter at the back of the bar, smiling because that’s the only way I know how to keep people from asking me what’s wrong.  These people are the wonderful, beautiful, perfect individuals who saw me when I was most invisible.  And this project is meant to show me how they see me.

It’s important to me because until recently I could barely look at myself.  I don’t mean to sound depressing or pathetic, because I am neither.  I am merely being honest.  I realized somewhere around losing baby number 8* that I am not the same person I was when I started this journey.  I have to learn to live again–live like I am allowed to be happy and pretty and wanted by others.  It’s an odd feeling having to relearn to be happy.  Unlike me, these artists knew what I was about all along.  I thought perhaps the best way to start reconstructing my own views would be to start with theirs.

And what better way to learn to live and be happy than through the people who make me live and be happy?  These people whose work you will see haven’t just occupied a place in my life, they have made it brilliant.  They have made me smile and laugh and dance and sing.  They cuddled with me while screaming at the characters in Final Fantasy.  They handed me non-alcoholic beverages, listened to my secrets, asked me to dance** and decided to hang out with me, meal with me and speak with me over far more interesting options.  Just now as I realize that I am allowed to feel sexy and intelligent and desired, they’ve always thought I should feel that way.

That’s why this project is so special to me.  It’s more than just showing me what I could let myself finally be.  It’s showing me what I already am through the eyes of the people who matter most to me.

Thank you for sharing my life.

*If you don’t know what this means, let me explain.  I started counting my weight loss in babies.  I figured the average baby weighs about seven pounds.  So far I’ve lost almost nine babies worth of weight.

**I vividly remember being asked to dance for the first time by a member of the opposite sex who did not know me previous to said dance.  I thought my happiness would cause fireworks to shoot out of my eyes.  It doesn’t beat the first time I danced with you, but it will always be one of my happiest memories.

Week Fifty-One

Happy Saturday!  This week ended with a 1.6 loss, bringing my total to 62 pounds.  Nine babies!  I wonder where I am on the child chart.  Let’s check!  According to the chart, I’ve lost the weight of a healthy nine year old.

Tonight I’m making Thai curry chicken for the family with a side of salted edamames (and ice cream for dessert).  Yum yum, I’ll let you guys know how it comes out (even though I owe you a few recipes already).  Tomorrow begins the art project, so if you’ve sent your picture in already, you should be seeing it soon.

That’s all for now!  I hope you all have a grand week!

The Stuff of Legend: The Dark (Book One)

The Stuff of Legend: The Dark (Book One)

Mike Raicht

Oh my God, this was an amazing read.  It’s about this group of toys that venture into “the Dark” to rescue their owner, a boy who was taken by the boogie monster (who looks both terrifying and awesome).  It sounds cheesy, but holy smokes it’s a great story.

The art is phenomenal.  Charles Paul Wilson III, the artist, does such a perfect job that I was hooked from the start.  The characters are great, the plot is awesome and reading it gave me the same nostalgic tingles I get whenever I watch Toy Story.  Also, there’s an adorable puppy in the story.  I think he might be a Basset Hound.  Sho cute.

I highly recommend you pick up this volume–the villains are creepy, the heroes are valiant and anyone who has ever loved a toy will adore the plot.  Why are you still reading this?  Go grab a copy!


I’m quite a fan of Bollywood films.  Ever since Om Shanti Om, I have adored any opportunity to sit and watch one.  Thanks to Netflix, several are at my fingertips.  Margo recommended I watch this one–though I soon realized I had seen the beginning of this film with her before.  For some reason, I never saw what came after intermission.

In any case, I loved it.  The music was fantastic, the story was pleasantly melodramatic and funny, and we get to see several nature shots of India.  It’s not my favorite of the Bollywoods I’ve seen, but it is definitely in the top ten.  There were a few parts that didn’t make sense or were just too completely unrealistic or perfect for my liking.  For example, if Zaara left her fiance, why didn’t he clear everything up with the police and get Veer out of jail?  It’s just silly. The female lawyer makes up for this annoying piece of the film.  Whoo, women!

Besides that, I loved the rest.  The ending is predictable, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good (it’s actually perfectly dramatic).  If you enjoy great music, colors, sights and healthy doses of a melodramatic plot, then I highly recommend this one.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Carrie Ryan

This book is a post-apocalyptic tale of Mary, a teen whose life is about to change forever.  There are zombies in this one–something we all know I adore like no one’s business.  The novel explores the ties between friends, family and lovers in a world where an early death is expected.  Though the whole book is told from Mary’s perspective, we get to see a bit of the way brothers react to loving the same person and the way best friends and siblings react to different kinds of loss.

At first I thought the Sisterhood would have a huge part in the story and I got really excited.  There are very few things cooler than a zombie novel.  Zombie novels with secrets and religious cults?  That’s pretty much as awesome as you can get.  Sadly, the Sisterhood and their secrets don’t really develop after Mary leaves the village.

Even though the book focuses a lot on Mary and her silly love relationships, it does an excellent job of describing zombies and making the reader terrified when things go poorly.  For that, I really liked reading this one.  This is book one in a trilogy, so I’m hoping a lot of the unanswered questions are put to rest in the next book, though from what I can tell, the next one is about Mary’s daughter.  I already checked it out of the library, so I’ll be sure to let you guys know.

Also, rumor has it there’s a movie in the works for this one.  If they cast Kristen whatsherface as Mary, I will scream.  I can’t wait to see how they make the zombies though.  That should be fun.  Be sure to check this one out if you’re into thrilling zombie attacks!

Week Fifty

This week I gained .2–probably the result of me eating half my weight in food.  This week I’ll have to make sure to pop in some more exercising and dancing. I’d like to finally be under 200 pounds before the summer.  Yay!

Beyond this, I’ve been cleaning out the kitchen no one uses next to my room.  I’m wishing to start making paper again.  It’s so much fun!  Plus, it gives me stuff to write letters on (as if I need more stuff–I own enough writing supplies to last me the rest of my life).  Also, I’ve decided to start posting the postcards I get from around the world every Wednesday.  Short Story Sunday didn’t work out because I never had enough time around school to write, so I decided to use that day to post art from my little project.  Since I’ve been getting tons of cards from all over, I thought perhaps you guys would be interested in seeing one every week.

Finally, the last week for art pieces is winding down.  Starting a week from today, I’ll begin posting the drawings.  Thanks go out to those who already submitted their stuffs!  That’s all for now.  I send my love and affection to you all!



H. M. Hoover

Purchase on

This book was on several lists detailing the best children’s sci-fi stories of all times.  Not being one to read a lot of science fiction, I decided to check it out.

Orvis is the futuristic story about a robot who is ordered to walk to a landfill and shut itself down.  On the way, he meets two kids, who spark the beginning of his quest to discover himself and become independent of humans.

I enjoyed the story a lot–the main characters find themselves on a big adventure that kept me entertained and turning each page.  My only complaint is that the entire book seemed to be focused on how humans are ruining the environment.  At times, the text was almost pedantic and heavy with warnings about pollution and the dangers of cosmetic surgery.  Because this is a children’s book, I found this aspect annoying and it often pulled me out of the story.

Besides the heavy warnings and predictions for our lonely future, Orvis is a great sci-fi novel for children in grades four through six.