Forever Young (1992)

I know, I know.  I couldn’t help it.  Netflix insisted I’d love it, and well, after Battlestar Galactica, I pretty much listen to Netflix every time.

This movie in a nutshell: Mel is married to the very awesomest of women until she gets hit by a truck and goes into a coma.  He, being the studly military man he is, offers to become part of a science experiment where he’s frozen until the future.  Problem?  They forget about him and put him into storage.  A few decades later, he’s found, woken, and chaos ensues.

I didn’t see the point in introducing the kids or Elijah Wood’s mother into the mix.  Maybe to show just how true the true love is?  I thought the drama revolving around the aging problem and the mystery of what happened to the scientists and the wife was enough to keep me entertained.  In fact, I think I would have enjoyed this movie a great deal more if it focused only on the science part of the freezing rather than introducing the slightly creepy and wise Elijah Wood character.  But I always choose science over kids in my movies, so don’t listen to me if you enjoy your films full of babies and illogical plots.

The movie was entertaining in a Twilight-y sort of way.  It was nice to pass the time, but it’s probably something I wouldn’t admit to having actively chosen to watch (too late) and unless there’s a gun held up to my head, I most likely will not watch it again.

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