Bill Willingham
I’m a psychic! This volume focused on Mowgli and his search for Bigby. Of course, our favorite scruffy wolf is found and brought home, though not before being put on a secret mission. I enjoyed following Mowgli around, and was especially delighted when we got to spend time alone with Bigby. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about them introducing that other chick (I forgot her name already), though I have a feeling there will be something coming out of her in a later issue.
The wolf cubs are completely awesome, and of course, I was pleased as punch when a certain event took place. I’m beginning to wonder if there is a budding romance between Flycatcher and Red Riding Hood, which I’m pretty okay with. She’s still a mystery to the reader, so whenever she drops bombs, like recognizing Bigby, I suspect it to be more than just a passing remark. We’ll see what becomes of her.
Finally, I am so glad they made Cinderella into the kind of character she is. I absolutely love her. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about her, but now I am certain that she is by far the coolest of Prince Charming’s wives. Well done, Billy!
The extras in this issue featured a map of Fabletown and a script for one of the chapters inside. Since I’m not often interested in reading the scripts, I skimmed this one and moved on. For those of you interested in seeing how words go from paper into pictures to bring an issue to life, this extra will surely be worth reading. This issue gets a 4.5/5